Trending By: Asrul Haliff November 26, 2019 @ 5:51pm

Malaysia Went Amok When 5-Starred “Jalur Gemilang” Went Viral On The Internet

Jalur Gemilang — the flag of Malaysia, is composed of a field of 14 alternating red and white stripes along the fly and a blue canton bearing a crescent and 14-point star.

The 14 stripes, of equal width, represent the equal status in the federation of the 13 member states and the federal territories. The 14 points of the star on the other hand represent the unity between these entities.

Each detail of our Jalur Gemilang brings beautiful meanings behind it and as Malaysians, we should be proud of the symbolism that our home country’s flag carries.

image taken from:

But, a recent video that went viral (for the wrong reason) got Malaysians amok when our glorious flag got mis-portrayed! 

▲ It can be clearly seen that the star in Jalur Gemilang only have five points

It was believed that the 1 minute and 40 second video was allegedly recorded during ‘Majlis Kejohanan Bola Keranjang’ conducted under Malaysian Basketball Association (MABA).

The video got shared on the said social media for over 250 times and most of them were followed with comments expressing the issue shouldn’t be looked over easily and further actions need to be taken.

The issue has also received the attention of our Minister of Youths and Sports — YB Tuan Syed Saddiq Bin Syed Abdul Rahman whom took to his Twitter account to address it.

National flag is supposed to be nation’s symbol; so when our Jalur Gemilang got misinterpreted, it portrays a different image to Malaysians.

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