Fab Foodies! By: Asrul Haliff December 24, 2019 @ 2:30pm

Acai Bowl; Instagrammable, Filling And Nutritious

#acai #acaibowl

Acai—or acai bowl, acai smoothies, whatever you call it—is one of the most trendy social media foods. If you don’t believe me, try searching acai on Instagram and you’ll get shocked by the number of pictures there are in the category.

Well, you can’t blame it because the food—that doesn’t look like one—makes a refreshing and aesthetically pleasing treat for the eyes whilst fueling the body with nutrition one needs.

▲ Photo by Alexis Chloe on Unsplash

Acai is typically berries pureed into a smoothie or a smoothie bowl, added with several other fruits as its base. So this easily becomes a superfood.

▲ Photo by Vicky Ng on Unsplash

It’s outstanding antioxidant power.

Indigenous to the Amazon, the Acai berry is full of antioxidants, fibre and essential vitamins. Hence, the antioxidant property of the fruit prevents is consumer with oxidation of free radicals and cell destruction in the body.

▲ Photo by Chuan on Unsplash

The acai berry itself is packed with fibre—44%, which aids in digestion, regulation of blood sugar levels and lowers cholesterol levels.

▲ Photo by The Creative Exchange on Unsplash

Each spoonful is a party of vitamins and minerals.

Acai berries obviously are full of vitamins—Vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, B6, C, E and Vitamin K. They also contain many healthy minerals, including Copper, Iron, Magnesium, Potassium and Managanese. All these nutrients are able to slow down aging process, improve blood circulation and provide a natural energy boost.

▲ Photo by Jannis Brandt on Unsplash

So, next time when you order that smoothie bowl just for the Gram, know that you are actually doing something really good for your body and mind too.

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