Trending By: Asrul Haliff December 31, 2019 @ 10:30am

Coffee Vaping Is A Thing Now And It Has Arrived In Malaysia!

Life begins after coffee.

The gentle welcome from a warm cup of black nectar goodness is always a sign for a good beginning in the morning. Whether you are an avid drinker of coffee or simply drink them once a while, you can’t deny that sipping a good quality coffee can boost up your mood in the mornings.

▲ Photo by Atikh Bana on Unsplash

Some like it black, some like it with milk; some like it hot, some like it iced. There’s no rights or wrongs when it comes to caffeine because at the end of the day, it’s the energy booster that we—coffee drinker—look for!

▲ Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

But now, there’s a new trend to drinking coffee that doesn’t involve sipping any liquids!

Apparently now, coffee-lovers can ‘sip coffee as you breathe’. Recently, a new vaporizer—or Malaysians call it simply vape—has been introduced in the Malaysian market by a Hong Kong-based electronics company, SNOWPLUS!

▲ The product is 100% compliant with global safety standards, including European Union and the FDA certs.

What’s being billed as the world’s first ever vape pod made from real coffee, the no-nicotine coffee vape allows users to have coffee on the go without having to worry on any liquid spillage. 

▲ SNOWPLUS is the 3rd largest e-cigarette brands in the world.

Could this be the start of a new coffee trend? You decide!

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