Fab Foodies! By: Asrul Haliff December 23, 2019 @ 5:14pm

Two Apples A Day Can Control Cholesterol?

An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

That must be one of the first few proverbs that all of us learned back in our primary schools. But have you ever heard of eating two apples a day and its benefit?

If previously you’ve practiced having an apple a day, maybe you can start adding another one to the routine! Because why? This is because there’s a study that shows eating two apples everyday can help in regulating your cholesterol level.

What’s even more interesting is the research claims to show positive result of 4% reduction in bad cholesterol for those who practice two apples everyday in the span of eight weeks.

In a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, two large-sized apples fulfill roughly 1/4 daily fibre that is recommended for an average adult. Plus, there is a type of fibre in apples that helps in burning bad bacteria in our intestines, which facilitate in reducing cholesterol level.

▲ Photo by Joanna Nix on Unsplash

The research also suggests that individual who practice having apples everyday can actually keep their blood vessels healthier and calmer. This is due to the polyphenol content in apples. This polyphenol is the reason that gives pigments to fruits.

Hence, individual who eats two large-sized apples everyday will have a higher content of polyphenol in their body, which results in lower LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) level.

▲ Photo by Krishnam Moosaddee on Unsplash

What does the expert say?

According to Tim Chico—a cardiovascular medicine professor in University of Sheffield, he mentioned that eating two apples within a day will help in regulating cholesterol level better compared to drinking apple juice.

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