Hiburan By: Asrul Haliff December 27, 2019 @ 12:30pm

Joked About Being Single, Neelofa Caught On Camera Glaring At Nabil

Joke went too far or just vulnerable?

They say there’s always a little bit of truth in every jokes but did Nabil intend to offend Neelofa? In a recent episode of a talk show where both Neelofa and Nabil are the hosts, guests Amar Baharin and wife Amyra Rosli talked about their marriage and soon to welcome a new baby.

▲ Amar Baharin and Amyra Rosli expecting a newborn soon.

The interview then went towards the guests sharing the idea of ‘babymoon’ which is described as honeymoon but followed with a baby in the tummy.

Nabil—being the comedian he is—saw the opportunity and made a joke that was directed to Neelofa.

“If it were her, it would be ‘singlemoon’ is it?”

▲ The moment Nabil made the comedic remark.

The remark made by Nabil was to indicate that if Neelofa was to go on a honeymoon, she’d be going solo as she is yet revealed to public that she is involved in any romantic relationships at the moment.

Instantaneously, the studio was filled with roar of laughter owing to Nabil’s quick wit but the only person who didn’t find it amusing was Neelofa herself.

Instead, she was glaring at Nabil, as if she was offended by it.

▲ Neelofa’s reaction when Nabil made the remark.

Saw her serious reaction, Nabil quickly responded “Don’t be mad. It’s your last week here. Don’t be mad. Let’s us be happy together” in a sarcastic manner.

Nabil was trying to laugh it off but Neelofa quickly jumped onto the next topic unbothered.

You can look at the footage here.

Was Neelofa actually offended by the remark or was she actually just playing the part?

| Live TV


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