Featured By: Ad Ops January 9, 2019 @ 10:00am

This is the best day to take leave from work, and no, it’s not Friday

After working non-stop without taking a long break, not only would your body feel the burn, but your brain would feel like it’s been ‘fried’.

The weekends just don’t cut it anymore; you need more off days to recover. But it doesn’t necessarily mean you have to go on vacation.

A long trip overseas is of course a fantastic idea (and ideal), but just a day of lazing around in bed and most importantly resting is perfectly good enough. You don’t have to spend your funds in order to recharge.

And if you do plan to take leave for this, science says Friday is not necessarily the best choice of day.

Dawna Ballard, a scholar of chronemics (the study of time and communication), says that our experience of time is determined by “pacers”.

Some of them comes from within, like whether you’re a morning person or you prefer staying up late.

Others are determined by external factors, like your work schedule for that particular week, or having a deadline to meet.

Ballard says each person has a different chronotype; some people move slowly while some are faster. But our work schedule doesn’t always facilitate, so we have no choice but to get used to what was set for us.

Credit: Getty Images

Do you ever experience Monday blues? You know, that difficulty of getting back on track at work on Monday mornings?

Your pace of life on the weekend versus the work week has something to do with it. But it doesn’t mean that if you’ve had a longer weekend, you’ll be able to get your work groove back more easily.

It doesn’t mean that the longer your weekend is, the more your body has rested. In fact, researchers have determined that the best day of the week to take leave on is Wednesday.

How come, you ask? A break in the middle of the week doesn’t really disrupt your work schedule but allows your body to recharge. And scientists have found that this is important for your health.

“Chronic misalignment between our lifestyle and the rhythm dictated by our inner timekeeper is associated with increased risk for various diseases,” Jeffrey C. Hall, Michael Robash, and Michael W. Young wrote in a research on our circadian rhythms.

Of course, if you can’t really take the day off, you can still work from home and Wednesday is ideal.

If you work from home on Monday or Friday, it will almost feel like an extension of your weekend. But a mid-week break from having to go on a long commute to work can really help you get more things done.

So pick Wednesday, okay?

Source: RD.com

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