Hiburan By: tex_admin July 16, 2018 @ 3:17am

EXO vs. BTS: FIFA World Cup 2018 Battle a Draw

Previously, a massive battle ensued between EXO-Ls and ARMYs when FIFA World Cup’s official Twitter page posted a poll asking fans which song would they like to hear played in the stadium.

The choices were EXO’s Power, BTS’ FAKE LOVE, J Balvin’s Mi Gente and Zedd’s The Middle. Needless to say, the two latter songs didn’t stand a chance against the KPOP songs.

Read more: EXO vs. BTS: Who’s Song Will be Playing at the FIFA World Cup 2018

Fans of both EXO and BTS fought relentlessly to achieve the top spot. At certain points, one was leading against the other but ultimately, they both came to draw at 48% votes each.

That poll was measured about 2 weeks before the finals which took place last night.

It left many fans wondering which song will really be played in the stadium since it came to a draw. FIFA didn’t exactly announce anything either after the poll ended.

Finally, during the match between Croatia and France, the stadium actually played both songs.


Source: Allkpop

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