LIFESTYLE By: tex_admin July 26, 2018 @ 10:31am

New Creation Helps Cover Women’s Cleavage from Unnecessary Exposure

Women’s breasts have become quite the sexualised object thanks to the glorification of large breasts. Female outfits are often designed to show more cleavage than necessary which more modest ladies often find uncomfortable.

Thankfully for the more low-key ladies, a Japanese company has come up with the Bra Liner which will ultimately save ladies from exposing more than we intend to.

Shaped a little bit like panties laid flat, the Bra Liner is a object which helps cover the cleavage area without having to put on an extra top.

Source: @bra_liner

Typically, to combat such situations, females are taught to wear singlets, camisoles or an extra t-shirt underneath our tops. But the Malaysian weather is hot and another layer of clothing just makes us feel warmer than necessary.

However, the Bra Liner allows us to simply clasp onto our bra straps, ergo covering only the chest, Soranews24 explained.

The best part is how it can be easily put on and removed, making it easy for women to style themselves according to the situation.

Source: @bra_liner

Obviously, women are ecstatic about this ingenious creation but the perverted men would beg to differ.

Some of the guys who prey on unsuspecting women commented,

“Why did you go and have to make something like this?”

“This is the worst. Are you planning to take all the joy out of summer?”

“I just want to say you’ve ruined things for us.”

Nevertheless, only the depraved guys had such nasty things to say. The true gentlemen on the other hand supported the creation of the Bra Liner and even chastised the perverts.

So far, the Bra Liner does not have a price tag yet nor is it officially launched for sale. But anyone who’s interested can follow the Twitter account for more updates.




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猴(1944 / 1956 / 1968 / 1980 / 1992) 虽然今年为肖猴朋友的太岁相刑年+太岁相坡年,表示是非多,容易惹上意想不到的麻烦,带有轻微的犯太岁的意思,不过由于命宫中得到多颗吉星的照耀, 运势将大幅度彪升,凡事都能逢凶化吉,称心如意。 【事业运】 事业方面,今年可获得贵人指引提携,得以锦上添花。此外,今年肖猴的您将会成为焦点人物,所以必须勇于承担责任,展现潜力,以免令周围的人失望。不过,在工作上必须谨口慎言,以防泄漏商业秘密而自招败辱。 【财运】 财运方面相当畅旺,财源广进,会有多方面的收入。横财方面也不差,不时会有意外之财,但必须紧记钱财千万不可露眼,以免会有盗劫之灾。 【感情运】 感情方面因为人缘佳,所以进展也相当不错。今年容易遇到心仪的对象,可以放胆去追,成功率相当高。不过,今年宜多与家人乐聚天伦,以弥补家庭中的裂痕。 【健康运】 今年健康良好,但必须小心照顾家中老人健康,恐有孝服。 ✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿ 【幸运号码】 2525 、 1929 【开运颜色】 蓝色、紫色、粉红色 【开运贴士】 今年在初一、十五不妨吃斋。同时也建议多做善事或义工「施比受更有福」!   ■ 资料提供:风水达人何宜娟《猪年报喜2019己亥年开运大全》 ■ 您也可透过八度空间于2019年2月5日(年初一)中午12时观看电视版《丰衣足食己亥年》

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