Sihat By: Ad Ops January 16, 2019 @ 4:00pm

Stretching techniques you can do to alleviate pain from leg cramps

Leg cramps are the worst! Okay, fine, there are worse things, but cramps are definitely not a breeze.

This health condition, where the muscles in your leg suddenly contract and cause pain, is however common and usually harmless.

You may have heard that cramps can happen while you’re running, but three out of four cases occur at night as you sleep.

Generally it ‘attacks’ your calf muscles, but it can also happen to any part of your leg including your feet and thighs.

The bad thing is that even after the cramp is gone, you may still feel some tenderness in your leg.

The most common way to treat leg cramps or at least reduce the pain is by exercising the affected muscles.

So if you find yourself suffering from leg cramps frequently, try the stretching methods that are shown in the video below. These techniques can prevent the cramps from returning.

PS: Drinking lots of water can also greatly help in preventing cramps.

Stay healthy!

Source: Goodful, NHS Inform

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