Hiburan By: Asrul Haliff January 14, 2020 @ 2:30pm

Beauty YouTuber NikkieTutorials Came Out As Transgender

Nikkie de Jager revealed the truth!

Today—14th January 2020—Nikkie de Jager whom better known as NikkieTutorials by many came out as being transgender. The shocking reveal was made in a video titled “I’m Coming Out.” on her YouTube channel which she’s famous for her creative contents in the world of beauty and cosmetics.

image taken from: instagram

The Dutch YouTuber that had garnered an amazing 12 million subscribers throughout her career, revealed to her followers that she had been receiving multiple blackmail threats before finally deciding to “start the year off with the  truth”.

image taken from: instagram

Throughout the video, de Jager had shared her transition story, saying she has fully transitioned by the time she was 19 years old.

image taken from: instagram

The beauty influencer whom known for her “power of makeup” videos emphasized that she doesn’t want to be recognized for her gender identity, instead to continue to see her as a whole person.

You can watch her full story on the video below.

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