Events By: Attiqah Mohd May 30, 2019 @ 1:18am

Get Yourselves Raya Ready with these WOW Tips, Number 2 Might Surprise You!

Malaysians are set to celebrate Hari Raya Aidilfitri in just a few days, marking the end of the holy month of Ramadan.

While busy with their own Raya prep, Malaysia’s beloved TV personalities and CJ WOW SHOP show hosts took some time to share a few helpful tips with Malaysians on how they can make this year’s celebration more meaningful and enjoyable

         1.Prepare flavourful yet healthy dishes – Chef Brian Chen

  1. “Most of us do feel guilty when we indulge in our favourite dishes after a month of fasting. Honestly, it is hard for anyone to resist when they are served up with a mouth-watering spread of beef rendang, ketupat, lemang and various Hari Raya delicacies.

    So, instead of refraining, let’s practice moderation and cleaner way of preparing our festive meal. Choose fresh and natural ingredients when you cook by preparing your own meat stocks and using equipment that reduces the need for oil. 

    Keep it simple with a few special main dishes and serve fruits and vegetables with every meal to  ensure we have a balanced diet.”

  2. 2. Create a Welcoming Space for Guests Lilly Liyana
  3. “As gatherings with family and friends are usually one of the highlights of the festive season, spruce up your home as you prepare to host memorable get-togethers.

    It is important that our residence are in a tip-top condition. Decorate your living space with bright colours and ensure it is clutter free to make your guests feel welcomed and at ease.

    Most importantly, set the atmosphere to get everyone in the mood for cele brations. Brighten up your compound with festive lights and don’t forget play some Hari Raya tunes in the background. The classic ones are usually my favourite!”

    3. Choose Flair with Comfort Yana Samsudin

       “I know some of us have been planning for weeks to get the perfect Raya #OOTD shots to WOW our Instagram             followers. This is the time where we don our latest fashion ensemble and showcase our unique sense of style.

        Since we’ll be spending most of the time on the move, either visiting other people’s houses or travelling to their            hometown (balik kampung), we also need to keep comfort as a priority.

       Choose an outfit that is both fashionable and comfortable. Essentially, you’d like to feel good and look your best            from the Hari Raya morning prayers to the countless open houses throughout the day.”

     RIANG RAYA WOW Offers Memorable Trips for Shoppers

More exciting news awaits loyal customers! From today till 2 June, Malaysia’s innovative home shopping network CJ WOW SHOP is offering loyal customers with an all paid trip worth more than RM10,000. In partnership with local travel agency, My Altitude 30 Travel & Tours, the contest will be conducted according to 2 categories:

For further information about the contest, viewers can find out more at the RIANG RAYA WOW contest page here.

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