Hiburan By: tex_admin October 4, 2018 @ 4:00pm

Local Top Celebrities Pay Tribute to Brave Firemen Who Drowned in Duty

Datuk Seri Siti Nurhaliza has expressed deep sadness over the tragic death of six firemen in a rescue operation in Puchong yesterday.

“My heartfelt condolences to the bereaved families of the brave firemen. May their sacrifices be blessed by the Almighty,” she said in an Instagram post today, which was accompanied by the photos of the firemen.

Actor Sharnaaz Ahmad, who played a fireman in the TV2 drama Hero two years ago, was also saddened by the firemen’s deaths.

“To prepare for my role as a fireman, I had to undergo rescue training with real firemen in Klang and Shah Alam, and I realised how difficult and dangerous their jobs are.

“They are our unsung heroes who risk life and limb to save others. The six firemen are martyrs who gave their lives for the country,” he said in his Instagram post.

Actress Fasha Sandha said: “This is terribly sad. Condolences to their families. They are national heroes who sacrificed their lives for the well-being of the rakyat. May God honour them as martyrs.”

“Heartfelt condolences to the families, friends and colleagues of the brave firefighters who died in the line of duty, as well as the Fire And Rescue Department.

“We must always be grateful to the brave men and women who put their lives in danger to keep us safe,” said actress Nora Danish.

“They’re real life heroes. Al-Fatihah,” wrote comedian Shuk in his Instagram post.

“May our national heroes rest in peace and their sacrifices remembered,” said Scha Alyahya.

“Truly sad. We must always appreciate heroes who risk their lives to save us. Al-Fatihah,” said Que Haidar.

The six Fire and Rescue Department divers were killed while looking for a teenage boy who fell into a mining pond in Taman Putra Perdana, Puchong yesterday.

They were Mohd Fatah Hashim, 34, Izatul Akma Wan Ibrahim, 32, Mazlan Omarbaki, 25, and Yahya Ali, 24 from the Klang station and Adnan Othman, 33 and Muhammad Hifdzul Malik Shaari, 25 from the Shah Alam station.

The firemen were searching for a 17-year-old who was reported to have slipped and fallen into the mining pool about 5pm.

Source: NST

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