Categories: Gaya Hidup

Here’s A Trick On Making Hard-Boiled Eggs That You Can Easily Peel

Making hard-boiled eggs is easy-peasy! You literally just boil them till they’re hard. Pshh… Everyone can do it.

The tough part, however, is peeling them. Consider yourself lucky if the shell comes off easily. When it doesn’t, you just find yourself wanting to scream in agony.

Who wouldn’t? You just want to peel off the shell, but sometimes it sticks to the egg so hard that parts of the egg come off too! What a waste.

Well, fret no more. There’s a way to ensure that your eggs can easily be peeled without hurting the ‘flesh’.

Try it!

1. Fill up some water into a pan and bring it to a boil over medium-high heat. Note: Make sure there’s enough space to put in all of your eggs.

2. Using a long spoon or ladle, carefully lower the eggs in. Let it cook for 10 minutes in gently boiling water.


3. Once ready, quickly prepare a large bowl of an ice bath or very cold water and transfer the eggs in. Let them cool until they feel just slightly warm, for about 2 minutes. Note: This should stop the eggs from cooking further, therefore making them easier to peel.


4. Gently, crack the eggs all over. A fancy way is to roll one while pressing it slightly on a hard surface. This will create cracks all over the shell. But do it gently!

Source: Taste of Home

Start peeling, beginning with the fattest end that contains the air pocket. Note: Make sure to refrigerate if you’re note using them right away.


Admittedly, some eggs are just easier to peel than others – generally older eggs peel better.

The step where you shock them in ice water will definitely help, but in case the shell won’t come off easily, try peeling under running water.

Good luck!

Source: Bon Appetit

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