Hiburan By: tex_admin January 31, 2019 @ 10:38am

Here are 5 Tips for Last-Minute Chinese New Year Spring Cleaning

The countdown has begun and Chinese New Year is just about a month away. Are you ready to wrestle your home into shape to usher in the brand new year?

We tend to think cleaning as such a chore. But in reality, it isn’t hard to do. Indeed, it can be fast and easy, when you’ve planned it right and have the right tools to work with.

Here’re 5 easy tips to get you started:

1. Come up with a plan

Mark areas of priority, and check if you need to enlist external help. You don’t have to finish cleaning your whole house in one go.

If you need to, spread out the cleaning over at least two days or two weekends. Not only will that make the task more manageable, you also won’t get bored or too worn out by the end of it.


2. Check that you have your tools ready before you dive in

As in every task we tackle in life, having the right tools helps a lot. And some of these tools are things that are always found in our homes but we don’t think about using them for cleaning. Like what, you ask?

Well, like theWD-40®Multi-Use Product, which is great for removing grease, grime, and stubborn gunk.

It also protects metal from rust and corrosion. Think fencing grill and gates. Its also great in helping to dissolve old adhesives, allowing easy removal of labels, tape, stickers, and excess bonding material.


3. Clean from top to bottom

Think of gravity and how dust that gets displaced moves. So start from surfaces higher ups –think light fixtures, fans, air-conditioners, curtains and windows, and move your way to the bottom. This means clean your floors last.


4. Have no mercy

We often hoard without realising it, as we keep items we don’t really need and these stack up, creating clutter and chaos.

So de-clutter before the new year starts by asking yourself if you have used an item in the past one year. If the answer is no, then it’s time for it to go.

If you have a lot of such items, you can even put up a garage sale to monetise these items that you no longer need or want.


5. Enjoy yourself

Cleaning can be a very fulfilling task. But if you don’t usually enjoy cleaning or you tend to find it boring, liven things up by blasting your favourite songs for some sing-a-longs.

As with all things, it’s the attitude that makes the difference. So, as long as you feel good about cleaning, you tend to do it more, or do it better.


Happy cleaning! Here’s wishing you and your loved ones a blessed, prosperous Chinese New Year! Gong Xi Fa Cai!

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