Hiburan By: tex_admin May 4, 2018 @ 11:00am

Suho Hopes Fans Will Not Hate Him Based on Character in Rich Man

As an actor, it can get really tough starring as snobbish characters and it’s no different for EXO’s Suho.

During the press conference for Suho’s drama, Rich Man, on May 3rd, 2018, he revealed that things have been quite tough on him while filming this show.

He attended the press conference alongside co-stars Ha Yeon Soo, Oh Chang Suk, Kim Ye Won as well as the director, Man Doo Sik, Allkpop reported.

Suho said,

“Rich Man is the first long-term drama for me. Of course, I’m feeling pressured because it’s also my first leading role.

“But I recently worked on a musical and after communicating with the audience, I realised that it works when you sincerely perform.

“Of course, I may be lacking to some viewers but I’m going to try my best with my acting and communication so please give great love and attention.

“I do a lot of bad stuff in the drama. Please take the drama as a drama only. Only hate on the character Lee Yoo Chan (not me).”

Lee Yoo Chan is the name of his character in the drama. Apparently, Yoo Chan is a young CEO of an IT company who takes his riches for granted.

He also does things which people would normally disapprove of – which is why he hopes fans and viewers can understand that he is nothing like Yoo Chan.

Follow the drama which will be airing on May 9th, 2018 at 11pm and see for yourself just how frustrating Yoo Chan is.

Read more: “I Lost Passion for Dancing…” Taemin Tells the Truth

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