Events By: tex_admin November 30, 2018 @ 10:00am

Zoo Negara to Celebrate 55th Birthday with a Fiesta

Zoo Negara Malaysia will launch a ‘55-year Fiesta’ in conjunction with its 55th anniversary in December.

Animal Welfare and Customer Service Chairman, Hafidz Rahmat, said the events would last for one month starting from Dec 2.

“The fiesta will include events such as ‘LED Billboard’ launch, ‘Harimau Malaya’ Photography Explorers Competition, Selangor Cultural and Food Festival 2018, Zoo Negara Xplorace, Zoo Negara Fun Run, and Lucky Draw.

“Xplorace Zoo Negara will be held here for the first time. The event is a combination of treasure hunt and Fear Factor concept,” he said at Zoo Negara here today.

Hafidz added that while the participants have a chance to enjoy the flora and fauna in the zoo, they also would get the chance to touch the animals and plants through Xplorace programme.

“This indirectly will expose the kids to learn about characteristic of animals and plants. Through learning, it will strengthen the bond between families,” he said, adding that the fiesta would be launched by the Selangor Menteri Besar Amirudin Shari.

The Xplorace is divided into two categories; open and corporate. The participation fee is RM300 and RM1,000 respectively for a team of four, which includes the entrance fee to the zoo worth RM43.

Meanwhile, the ‘Harimau Malaya’ competition offers RM5,555.55 cash prize and the winners will be announced on the same day.

The public can contact the organiser’s secretariat representative or email [email protected] or visit for more details.

Source: NST

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