LIFESTYLE By: tex_admin January 2, 2019 @ 7:01pm

Taiping Just Got a Wonderful Record in World’s 100 Sustainable Cities

Taiping has been named as one of the 100 Sustainable Cities, the only Malaysian city which made it in this year’s list by Green Destinations.

The ‘2018 Sustainable Destinations Top 100’ list, made available at, was aimed at giving recognition to efforts by the authorities in tourism industry through sustainable environment.

Green Destinations (GD) is a non-profit organisation which focuses on efforts to create sustainable tourism, leading a global cooperation comprised experts, firms and academy institutions in 80 countries.

Taiping Municipal Council (MPT) president Datuk Abd Rahim Md Ariff said the Green Destinations had informed of the matter through an email on Dec 21.

He said the council had through its awards secretariat registered in the global movement earlier this year.

“This was following a suggestion made by a Asean Clean Tourist Award jury panel member, who is also an officer at the Tourism, Arts and Culture Ministry, after a visit in Taiping.

“The officer felt that Taiping has a lot of potentials and uniqueness in eco-tourism,” he said in a statement on Friday.

He said the council provided detailed documents which included pictures, video and promotion materials during the nomination process which ended on Oct 15.

He said the council representatives also held meetings and discussions to obtain accurate information, which was one of the requirements for the award.

“MPT submitted reports and input fom several sustainable and controlled areas like Laut Matang mangrove forest reserve, Kampung Dew, Kuala Sepetang, Kuala Trong, Bukit Larut, Taman Tasik Taiping, Zoo Taiping and Night Safari; and Batu Kurau.

“These places have their own strengths in eco-tourism and are able to generate economic opportunities to local community, while at the same time serve as heritage sites,” he said.

He said the council continued to strive in making Taiping a good tourist destination choice among the domestic and foreign tourists.

“I am happy with this achievement that is also a recognition to the cooperation and hardwork showed by the community in Taiping, various agencies, officers and staff of MPT in maintaining the district’s sustainability.

“This the first international and prestigious award (bestowed upon the district),” he said.

The award winners will receive their certificate at the ITB Earth Award – Top 100 Awards ceremony on March 6 at ITB Berlin, the world’s largest tourism trade fair.

Also, did you know that Taiping is the wettest town in Malaysia? Learn more from Cikgu Chong in Love At First Swipe.

Source: NST

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