5 Surprising Jobs Which Uses a LOT of WD-40

We all know WD-40 as one of the handiest item to have around the house. From squeaky hinges to stuck drawers, a little spritz from the blue can absolutely helps smooth things out.

Of course, we all know the handyman or repairmen would be using this lubricant the most but there are a few other lines which requires constant usage of it too.

Here are 5 jobs we never really knew uses the WD-40:

1. Sportsmen

In a general sense, almost all sportsmen uses the WD-40 for their equipment. For example, cleaning, preventing rust and corrosion, and driving out moisture from various items such as golf clubs, bicycle chains, scuba diving gear, etc.

It isn’t that surprising to learn that they use the spray bottle often but most of us whom are not in this line wouldn’t realise they use it so much.


2. Musicians

Like the sportsmen, musicians also use WD-40 to help clean and maintain instruments – most notably string instruments. Musicians have found that spraying a bit of it onto their instruments help them last longer.

You’ll see guitarists, pianist, cellist, violinists, and the likes keeping a bottle of this handy. If you’re a musician and never knew about this, then it’s time to pop by the hardware store to get one.


3. Shoemakers and Cobblers

WD-40 helps remove wax used on the shoes, lubricates shoe buckles, make old leather shoes soft and pliable again, restores transparency of plastic shoes, clean shoe repair equipment and lubricate axle on rotating shoe polisher.

To think that just one item can do so much wonder. Amazing.


4. Jewellers

Ever wondered what special polish does the a jeweller use to shine your rings and necklaces? It’s most likely the very common WD-40.

It works great on giving that shine back to silver, and helps to clean and prevent rust on jewellery. Maybe next time you could try this DIY trick.


5. Coin Collectors

Like jewellers, coin collectors also use WD-40 to restore the shine unto the dirty, old and rusty metal. With a spray, and thorough and proper rub, the coin will be returned to its former glory.

It will shine just like brand-new, even if it was manufactured decades ago.


Surprising innit that one single item has so many special uses to it.
