Trending By: tex_admin July 9, 2018 @ 2:18am

Authorities Can Track You Down Just for Watching Porn

A new police unit, equipped with the latest technology right out of Mission Impossible movies, has been recently set up to sniff out online pornography.

Sexual, Women and Child Investigation Division (D11) principal assistant director Assistant Commissioner Ong Chin Lan told the New Straits Times that the sole remit of the newly-launched Malaysia Internet Crime Against Children Investigation Unit (Micac) was to monitor traffic at pornographic websites, especially those offering child porn.

It would locate and pinpoint in real time, 24/7, Internet users surfing these sites and build a “data library” of these individuals — what portals they frequent, how long they spend on the sites, and the files they upload and download — that will help the authorities in prosecuting them.

The division, she added, would work towards enhancing its system and expanding its coverage to include those who surfed pornography.

“We will pick up those who visit these sites regularly. We use a software that was specially developed to allow us to identify, locate and track visits to porn sites, especially those involving child porn.

“The intelligence we get will be passed on to the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC), so we can obtain the Internet users’ details.

“We will then call them in for questioning or we may even arrest them at their homes or wherever,” she said.

The new software was so advanced that it could even detect those who surfed and downloaded porn from what they thought was the relative safety of their handphones.

The NST was shown the monitoring software, known as the Internet Crime Against Children — Child Online Protective Services (ICACCOPS).

The programme, developed in the United States, would, among others, show the porn user’s IP address, location, the name of the website where he uploaded or downloaded pornographic material, the actual time the user surfed the sites and the duration spent.

Officers handling the system were required to log in their registered credentials.

The system would show in real time the Internet Protocol address (IP) of those surfing porn in balloon markers, and the websites they surfed.


Source: NST


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