Categories: Gaya Hidup

This man creates mini works of art using fried eggs!

Art can be presented in many forms. For Michele Baldini Kamborian from Mexico, his medium is fried egg.

Yes, you read it right. Eggs!

His inspiration came from seeing the symbol of “ying and yang” online four years ago. He would simply fry an egg and then using the right tools, he carved it into a figurative shape.

“I discovered creativity as a way to clear my mind when life got too busy; creativity that somehow led to making fried egg designs,” says Michele.

 “I may see something throughout the day that inspires me and wonder what it would look like made out of fried egg.

“I’ll play it out in my mind or sketch it out on paper if necessary, then I’ll get cracking.”

Incredible, isn’t it? Some of us can’t even fry an egg, let alone carve them!

One artwork could take 20 minutes to an hour to complete. And his designs are a mixture of everything and involve seemingly easy techniques and pretty intricate craftsmanship.

In 2017, Michele opened up an Instagram account (@the_eggshibit) where he could showcase his creations. Since then, it has garnered about 94,400 followers.

“I would post them sporadically but as time went by, I kept getting more ideas.”

Another great thing about his Instagram account is that sometimes he includes clever egg-related puns as part of his captions!

Go check out more of his artwork on his Instagram page. These are some of my favourites:

Source: Now This

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