Hiburan By: Ad Ops December 19, 2017 @ 6:26am


Do you remember watching TV shows such as Nona and Wanita Hari Ini in the late 1980’s and 1990’s?

Those were the days where the whole family would sit together in front of the TV and of course admire the ever graceful and classy TV presenters.

For you gen-Y, you probably don’t even remember this but you must have heard her name and saw her face on TV before.

She has a vast experience in hosting popular talk shows such as Nona, Wanita Hari Ini, and Majalah 3, as well as being one of the best TV presenters we’ve had.

The beautiful Nurfarahin Jamsari is no stranger to the limelight. Decades has passed, her name may have been forgotten by some people but her passion and fire still ignites whenever she speaks of her golden days.

Image via eddieputera

Currently holding a head position in an image management unit, Nurfarahin is still adamant about one thing; her passion as a journalist.

I am still a journalist at heart because I love to share. My responsibility is to make audience happy. I am always happy to share with my audience,” she said as she reminisced her old days. 

Source: imgrid


Having to host such popular TV shows such as Nona, Nurfarahin is more than just a pretty face on TV. She is also a woman with strong work ethics and discipline.

Between reading news and working on daily TV programmes, this woman proves she can do it all.

“In whatever I do, I give my soul to everything. That’s where the passion comes from. 28 years of my service, I never said no to my boss. Whatever the task they gave me, I would just do it because the responsibility is the trust.”

Source: Flickr


With her 28 years of experience in the journalism and broadcasting world, Nurfarahin is a woman with a story to tell.

Her experience is definitely one to be envy and inspired. She has traveled the world and met people from all sorts of background, from the poor to the most prominent.

“With the experience that I have, I am grateful I had an opportunity to go on a fighter jet.

“I also went on a hike to Gunung Tahan and Gunung Kinabalu, two years back I went to Annapurna base camp, Kathmandu in Nepal.

“I  also learnt how to dive, horse ride and I travel the world to Africa. Its all opportunity that He gave. I could not be more grateful.

“Every all those things it taught her, nothing but to always remain humble. Makin berisi makin menunduk“.

Source: Ayuarjuna

Well, it isn’t easy to gain such presentation skills. Here are some tips which Nurfarahin would love to share with everyone.

1. Knowledge – “You have to read and gain knowledge. That’s the most important thing. You have to impart.”

2. Research – “You have to always do research of the people you wanted to meet and their story. You have to always anticipate”

3. Be prepared – “A good tv host is an all rounder”

4. Be your own critic – “Be yourself but be your own critic. Never think yourself as perfect”

5. Never be satisfy –“You have to have ‘soul’ whatever you do. If not, you’d be a mediocre. There’s no difference.”


So, be sure to take note and apply these things yeah!

| Live TV


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