LIFESTYLE By: tex_admin July 24, 2018 @ 9:21am

Here’s Why Malaysians Might Love to Visit Japan this Summer Despite Heat

If there’s one thing every Malaysian can agree to hate on, it has to be mosquitoes. Being a tropical nation, we obviously get way more of these insects than we want.

Of course, these pesky little vermin are almost everywhere on Earth but this summer, they’re avoiding Japan.

Summer is a great time to enjoy all sorts of festivities in the land of the rising sun. Typically, this is when festivities pop up in open spaces and fireworks abundant.

It is also a great time to wear a yukata, the lighter version of the kimono, out and about without someone thinking you might be cosplaying.

According to Soranews24, the mosquitoes can’t stand this year’s high temperatures in the 4-season country. Thus, they won’t be coming out to suck our blood.

Specifically, the cutoff temperature for these black and white pests are 35 degrees Celsius. However, places like Tokyo are facing spikes of up to 36 degrees Celsius daily.

In fact, the hottest recently was 41.1 degrees Celsius just yesterday, July 23rd, 2018.

Although the heat was can be pretty suffocating for those who aren’t used to the heat, the bright side is that there won’t be any mosquitoes.

Read more: Cool Off in this Bathtub Cinema if You Can’t Stand the Tokyo Heat




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