Oh Lawa By: Ad Ops December 17, 2018 @ 3:00pm

This Is The One Skincare Ingredient You Should Start Using In 2019

New year, new you. Let go of anything from your past that hasn’t worked in your favour – and this can include your beauty regime.

If you haven’t been taking proper care of your skin, this is the best time to start. And with so many new products being launched in the market, it’s perfectly normal to be confused.

No worries! Perhaps you should look at one of the most celebrated skincare ingredient of the season: retinol.

Yes, you might have heard of it before, or even used or are using it.

For the uninitiated, it’s not a serum or face cream that is magical but beauty experts claimed that it is more effective than any other antiaging product in the market.

If used daily, the vitamin A derivated has been proven clinically to speed up cell renewal, smoothen fine lines and fade out dark spots, treat acne, as well as reduce the appearance of pores. All by one product!

Dermatologist Michelle Henry says “Retinol combats all the signs of aging in addition to signs of hormonal imbalance.

“As it is exfoliating, it also helps to unclog pores and shrink the oil glands.” Whoa!

With such powerful effectiveness, you’d think you can only get it from certified dermatologists. Not to worry, as there are plenty of over-the-counter formulas that offers the same magic but at lower doses.

Here’s a tip: the ingredient can be drying the skin so you should build your skin’s tolerance first before you start using it daily.

Source: Popsugar

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