Trending By: Asrul Haliff July 15, 2019 @ 5:25pm

“Non-Alcoholic” Alcohol is still Non-Muslim Friendly

The new Heineken 0.0 has shook Malaysians ever since the first time it’s outed to the public.

“Is it Halal?”

“Can Muslims drink it?”

“Is it a some sort of non-Muslims’ trickery to trick the Muslims?”

Many questions arose and some people are quick to jump into conclusions; some saying they are Muslim-friendly and some even went to the extent of accusing the company for trying to confuse the Muslims.

This is such a heated topic that Heineken Malaysia Bhd themselves took initiative to clarify the air with an official statement.

“All Heineken 0.0 products are only available at the non-halal zone of supermarkets and convenience stores, with clear signage indicating that it is strictly for non-Muslims, aged 21 and above only.  For stores without designated non-halal areas, we are placing clear signage to inform consumers that Heineken 0.0 is strictly for non-Muslims, aged 21 and above”

— Heineken Malaysia Bhd

The statement was clarified when the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Datuk Dr. Mujahid Yusof had also complained on the confusion made by the alcoholic beverages manufacturer.

“The purpose for introducing Heineken 0.0 in Malaysia is to provide a choice for non-Muslim consumers who enjoy the taste of beer but not necessarily the effects of alcohol, particularly beer drinkers seeking to moderate their alcohol consumption as part of a balanced lifestyle”

— Heineken Malaysia Bhd

Addition to that, Jakim has also uploaded on its Facebook, confirming that the said drink was made from the same process as any other alcoholic drinks, hence Muslims are prohibited from drinking it.

Heineken Malaysia further explained the tagline “Now You Can” is referred to the various new occasions that Heineken 0.0 could be drank by non-Mulsims without having to bear the consequences of an alcoholic ones.

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