Trending By: tex_admin October 2, 2018 @ 7:10pm

Malaysian Woman Shares Her First Experience of Brazilian Waxing

I am on a bed in a quiet room on one of the upper floors of Bangsar Village II. I have just applied disinfectant wet wipes from a personal hygiene pack on myself as I am about to experience Brazilian waxing for the first time.

I have heard negative stories about Brazilian waxing. It’s hot wax on your nether regions, before the hair is pulled out. That has got to hurt, right? But I feel oddly calm about the whole thing.

I don’t have a high threshold of pain — I even cry a little when threading my eyebrows — but Strip Bangsar has good reputation for doing this sort of thing. And it has been in business for 12 years. Given that businesses rely on repeat customers, I don’t think Strip can last if it left the majority of its customers in pain.

So I lie down on the bed as a Strip therapist called Jenn readies the wax. It’s on a kind of heated pot and smells of chocolate. Strip sometimes have different versions of this wax; sometime back it was pink and smelt of roses, I was told.

Jenn has a face mask on (and gloves). I think that’s appropriate, both for the sake of hygiene and my personal unease. She’s also very quick and professional, as I’m sure she’s done this countless times.


Before the actual wax, Jenn applies another round of disinfectant, as well as talcum powder and gives the hair a trim — I guess you can’t be too bushy down there. She then applies a layer of oil to stop the wax from adhering to the skin too much.

Then comes the wax, which Jenn applies using wooden spatulas from the hygiene pack. The wax is warm — not hot — and sticky. It’s hard wax, as opposed to soft wax so no cloth is needed to pull it out, only the wax itself once it is cool enough. Before pulling off the wax, Jenn kindly asks me to breathe to prepare myself for what’s to come. But the pain itself is surprisingly negligible.

Some areas are more sensitive and, therefore, the stripping action is more painful, but it’s nothing like my eyebrow threading experience. Jenn is also very systematic in regards to the area she works on. Once finished, she did another round of waxing to make sure all the hair is off.

I agree to a special serum called Peace+. It’s meant to reduce redness and dry skin in the area post-waxing, and also slows down hair growth. I can’t actually see what’s going on down there, so I take her word for it.

The whole process lasts about 20 minutes, although it can take longer depending on hair type and condition. I am given some general advice, like no swimming or tight clothing. I am also given a cold cream that has moisturising properties to put on the waxed area.



I left the salon feeling fine. Years ago I’d read about how Brazilian waxing is a life-changing experience but the writer and I must’ve led different lives because that is not the impression I get.

Having said that, there’s nothing negative about my experience. It is perhaps a luxury and a little unnecessary for someone in my position and way of life. But if you ever find yourself needing to be as bald as a baby down there, don’t be afraid — the pain is mostly psychological.

Source: NST

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