Events By: tex_admin March 26, 2019 @ 6:30pm

Make Your Date Night a Very Special One This Weekend with Hannah Lo and Ash Nair

SUPPARETREAT is back with another soul-searching session, and this time it is all about LOVE. With the theme of amour, Hannah Lo and Ash Nair bring forth a special kind of Date Night for both couples and also singles.

Happening this weekend, 30th and 31st March, at Damai Studio and Cafe, attendees can expect to feel a deeper sense of intimacy, discover new ways to connect with the opposite sex, and expand your senses and open to more authentic relating.

Separated by the Couples group and Singles group, each session entails a relatively different journey but with the same ultimate goal which is elicit love out of each individual.

xtra had the chance to interview Hannah about her journey as a Love and Relationship Coach.

1. How different or similar will the techniques be applied for the couples group and singles group?

Some exercises will be the same and others will be quite different. A couple will be going through very different challenges in their relationship in comparison to someone who’s single.

So we will address this by having different themes for each night and different activities.

It’s why we decided to split the event into two evenings so that we could go deeper with each group and offer effective solutions and experiences for where they would be at.

We have our amazing sponsors Jujumello and Keju by Carmen who will be there both nights to add a little naughty and nice to the entire experience.


2. What is your selection process of your participants?

We don’t have any selection process. It’s open to anyone and generally we find it’s someone who feels they’re ready to take their relationship with themselves and another person to the next level.  


3. What if one of the partners in the couples class is reluctant to participate properly in the workshop, how will you work about someone with that kind of mind set?

No one is forced or pushed to do anything they don’t feel comfortable doing during the workshop.

In fact, great! If you’re able to truthfully speak out how you feel, we encourage it.

We create a very safe space for everyone to be authentic to where they’re at and have a variety of ways to participate at different levels of comfort. 


4. For the singles session, will there be any activities which involves these individuals to partner up?

Absolutely, most exercises will have men and women partner up to interact with each other. The whole evening is designed to introduce men and women to new, fresh and much more fulfilling ways of connecting with one another.

We all have so many facades, fears and expectations when it comes to the opposite sex and it becomes this big wall that comes between us and another person experiencing genuine, deep connection.

So, this event is about those walls coming down and being able to feel seen and understood for who you truly are.


5. In your previous workshops, which couple or person’s reaction to your coaching moved you the most?

Oh wow, great question. So many. I generally work more with women than I do with men so they most moving are from women.

Most of the women I work with long term really commit to doing the inner work and change immensely. Generally they have a completely different relationship with their bodies, other people and themselves.

They live trusting their intuition much more and make much better choices for themselves.

I have one woman who’s now living in Bali with a dream job as a teacher in an eco-friendly school teaching other women what I taught her.

Another woman shifted her entire life to living on a boat with her husband, child and dog. And another is spending a year travelling the world, on a spiritual journey.

They’re all living their lives so fully and freely. It moves me greatly.


6. What’s the toughest thing about being a coach in this particular sector? 

The toughest thing is that your work IS your personal life. You don’t get to go back home and be lazy in your relationship or unconscious with your family.

I’m pretty much working all the time. LOL! Because to me, the most effective teachers are the ones who have healed themselves the most.


7. Within your own relationship with Ash, what are some techniques you use?

We have techniques to keep us in states of vulnerability with each other and no blame towards each other. We work on these the most because it brings the most freedom and love into the relationship.

Vulnerability meaning we keep ourselves open to any feeling or emotion that arises in the moment and we don’t numb it, suppress it, or act on it out of a reaction.

We also don’t hide it from each other – everything from jealousy to anger. We do this so that we don’t hold onto anything that can become resentment, aggression etc..

No blame means we take full responsibility for our feelings and don’t make the other person the reason why we are upset. It’s very intense work but extremely effective if you want to completely change your relationships. 


If you’re interested in joining Date Night, go on to SUPPARETREAT’s website for more information and to do your booking.

You can also follow SUPPARETREAT’s Instagram for more fun retreats, tips and tricks from the many coaches like Sarah Lian, Racheal Kwacz, Linora Low, etc.

Of course, do follow both Hannah’s and Ash’s Instagram to learn more about love and relationships.

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