Filem By: tex_admin April 16, 2019 @ 6:30pm

#xtraGiveaway: Gaining Inspiration from Amazing Women Around Asia

Technological and digital advances are bringing disruptive and transformative changes that will impact every aspect of our lives.

Industry, governments and civil society are trying to anticipate how the pace and scale of these developments will change the way our world works and tackle the challenges ahead.

Start-ups are among the main drivers of digital transformation.

In season two of Founders’ Valley, female entrepreneurs from Germany travel throughout Asia to meet inspiring entrepreneurs and see how their ideas are changing the planet.

Psst… read til the end for the giveaway!

Episode 1 – South Korea: Driven to Succeed

SouthKorea’s suicide rate is one of the highest in the world. Its education system has played a key role in the country’s growth, but it has also caused extreme pressure on students.

Is this a sustainable model? How will digitisation bring change?

Founders’ Valley team together with host, founder Sonja Jost meet inspiring edutech founders in South Korea to find out. Together we are focusing on education, machine learning and AI in SouthKorea.


Episode 2 – Thailand: In Data We Trust

Everything we do in the digital world involves data. The bits and bytes can serve our interests or be used against us. More than ever before, we have to trust computer systems.

Without digital trust, there is no digital business. In terms of internet usage and social media penetration, Thailand is growing faster than nearly any other nation.

How do its startups deal with personal data and cybersecurity? Our Founders’ Valley host looks at how startups deal with personal data and cybersecurity.

How is social media changing us and the societies we build? And how can we retain control of our digital identity while continuing to reap the benefits?


Episode 3 – Philippines: The Dream of New Money

The 2008 financial crisis shocked the world, spreading distrust in banks that has accelerated the acceptance of new kinds of money. Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin now promise to provide transparent, democratic alternatives.

In the Philippines, FinTech startups have already disrupted traditional structures by providing everyone with access to money as more than 50 million Filipinos are unbanked.

Founders Valley speaks to founders such as Lina Seiche, the founder of Blockchats who is working for change through bitcoin and decentralised networks, SCI founder Miguel Cuneta who is helping that change along by offering services like bill payment, e-commerce, cashless transactions, and of course, cryptocurrency wallets; enabling people in the unbanked market.

Founder David Katz is aiding them as well by eliminating middlemen in the plastic industry with technology that allows waste-pickers to triple incomes. Turned into digital tokens in an e-wallet, plastic has become their money.


Episode 4 – Indonesia: Women Breaking Bounds

All over the globe, digital transformation is opening new paths for women. In Indonesia, more and more are taking the opportunities for independence it offers to open a business.

But how do the young founders cope with the challenges posed by the role? All have had to overcome hurdles thrown up by traditional structures, widely accepted clichés and investors who prefer to bet on men.

Our host sets out from Berlin on a journey to Indonesia to discover how young women startup founders are breaking traditional clichés about roles.

Among them are a young programmer whose family had very different expectations of their daughter, a Muslim businesswoman who doesn’t question the notion of a freedom for women who have to cover themselves from head to toe, and a founder who is trying to connect traditions with the fast-paced 21st century digital world.


Episode 5 – India: Women. Violence. Power

Some of the most devastating human rights violations worldwide are committed against women and girls. Gender inequality remains a problem everywhere. But in India, crimes are committed even against unborn female babies.

Young entrepreneurs there are refusing to accept traditional mindsets and power structures. They’re tackling violence against women with the help of technology.


You catch all of these amazing episodes on DW (Deutsche Welle) via tonton today! Each and every episode are available right now for your binge-watching entertainment.

Here comes the best part which is where you will get to win some very special gifts by simple answering a few questions. 20 winners will take home an exclusive travel pouch and Founders’ Valley T-Shirt.

Simply fill up the form below with your accurate information according to your identification documents and make sure you get the questions right.

Hint: all the answers are in the article!

In case you cannot see the form above, you can click into this link.

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