LIFESTYLE By: tex_admin April 19, 2018 @ 9:12am

8 Reasons Why Ipoh is the Best Place for a Weekend Getaway

Ipoh is well known as the ‘city for retirees’ in Malaysia because people who live in here lead a stress-free lifestyle.

To emulate this similar lifestyle, many people will choose to come here for a short relaxing getaway to ease the mind and soul from the buzzing city.

Not too sure if Ipoh is as fun as they say? Well, here’s 8 reasons that will absolutely get you revving your engines up for a road trip.

1. Lesser traffic on the road

Image via SAYS

Ipoh is a small city so there are lesser cars on the road. For the people who live in bigger cities like Johor Bahru, Kuala Lumpur or Penang will find that driving in Ipoh is less stressful.

A weekend getaway to Ipoh will be perfect because you can also enjoy a scenic drive along the serene roads.


2. Surrounded by mother nature

Image via The Star

There are lots of greenery and trees around Ipoh which is a rare scene in the big cities filled with skyscrapers. To retain the natural scenery and environment in Ipoh, the government here do their best to preserve and plant more trees.

If you want to visit specific places that are naturally beautiful, check out Polo Ground Park, D.R. Park, Gunung Lang Recreational Park, and Sam Poh Tong.

A trip to Ipoh will be like walking into a magical forest.


3. Historical and traditional places 

In Ipoh, there are many historical places being strictly preserved by the local government. This is to show the younger generations the meaningful events that took place in this city throughout history.

You guys should totally check out the Ipoh City Town Hall that has existed since 1917, the Birch Memorial Clock Tower built in 1909, and the Ipoh Railway Station that was completed in 1917 to name a few.


4. Mural paintings in Ipoh Old Town 

One of the highlight of visiting Ipoh is to visit the famous mural painting in Ipoh Old Town. It is called the Art of Oldtown which is the latest collection of Ipoh Wall Art Murals by Ernest Zacharevic, the same man who painted murals on walls along the streets of Penang’s Georgetown. 

There are a total of 7 artistic murals in Ipoh Old Town; old uncle with coffee cup, paper plane, kopi ‘o’, hummingbird, evolution, girl and trishaw. 


5. Hot spring in Tambun

If you had a rough week and need a way to relax your mind and soul, it’s time to check out Ipoh Lost World Tambun Hot Spring and Spa. It is a natural hot spring that has concentrated minerals and many say that soaking in a hot spring will rejuvenate and re-energise your tired body. 

The best part of this hot spring and spa is that it opens until 11pm at night! So, for those who are keen to go to for a night spa, this is be the best place for you.


6. Shorter distance to reach

Image via Images of Ipoh

The distance between Ipoh and Kuala Lumpur or Penang isn’t that big which makes the city a nice place to drive to. It’s far away enough from the bustling cities but not too far away for a quick weekend getaway.

Plus, many of you might not know but Ipoh has got an airport too.

Back in the older days, Sultan Azlan Shah Airport only catered to a few planes to land due to the bad road condition which made it difficult for planes to land.

After a while, it became abandoned.

Thankfully, the airport reopened on 21st May 2013 following a RM42 million upgrade project. Since then, many airline companies started offering flights to and from Sultan Azlan Shah Airport.


7. Exciting theme parks and attractions 

Image via

There are more theme parks and local attractions in Ipoh, since it is also slowly turning into a tourist attraction for both locals and outstation people.

For all adventure seekers and daredevils, be sure to check out the top two theme parks in Ipoh; Lost World Theme Park and Movie Animation Park Studios(MAPS) Theme Park!


8. Last but not least…FOOD!

Ipoh is well known for being food heaven because it is filled with different kinds of mouth watering food. There’s the ever so famous Ipoh chicken taugeh hor fun and tau fu fah. 

You’ll need to stay at least 4 days in Ipoh in order to finish tasting all of the delicious foods in the city.

Aside from the aforementioned dishes, everyone must try the Ipoh White Coffee at Nam Heong and Nam Chu, the curry noodles at Restoran Xin Quan Fang and Chuan Fatt Curry Mee Shop too.

When it comes to desserts, it’s a must to eat tau fu fah. Rumour has it that if you eat lots of the tau fu fah here, you will get great skin because the Ipoh tofu is made with mountain water.



There are multiple long weekends coming so this is a great opportunity for you guys to make a trip over to Ipoh. Happy holidays ya’ll!

Written by: Chan Suet Yee

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