Fab Foodies! By: tex_admin May 9, 2019 @ 3:30pm

Relish in the Finest Chocolates in Harriston Chocolatier at The Linc

“Progress is measured by richness and intensity of experience by a wider and deeper apprehension of the significance and scope of human existence,” said Herbert Read.

Harriston, the award-winning local chocolatier has decided to dive deeper into the gourmet chocolate boutique business through strategic partnerships with exclusive lifestyle dining experiences.

Welcoming its latest addition to the family, Harriston has recently launched Harriston Chocolatier at The Linc, Kuala Lumpur, paving a new way of enjoying gourmet chocolates made with the finest ingredients of excellent compatibility.

Bridging the path towards fresh hand crafted chocolates, Harriston Chocolatier thrives in the production of premium artisanal chocolates with their line of beautiful and mouth-watering creations.

Leading the societal trend of well-being, chic and savouring-the-moment lifestyle, Harriston Chocolatier offers hand-crafted pralines, chocolate bars, panned chocolates along with personalised gifting services for those in search of something sweet, stunning and satisfying to share with their loved ones.

Emphasising on quality before quantity, Harriston Chocolatier’s creations epitomise artistry, delicacy, and creativity to give a unique culinary experience to the most discerning dessert connoisseurs.

With herb chocolate bars such as the Chilli, Curry and Ginger, they have also taken it a step further by creating alcohol infused pralines.

Evidently, Harriston is setting its sights on newer and bigger things by establishing an experience together with their partners, Bo Dining and Cellar 18.

With this collaboration, Harriston Chocolatier aims to bring customers to a new gastronomic journey of chocolate appreciation where the ingenious fusion of flavour, texture and aroma of food, chocolate and alcohol can create synergistic effects that make your taste buds sing with joy.

Queenie Teng, Executive Director of Harriston, said,

“We’ve been studying the current consumer behaviour and have found that people of today are in constant search for the best things in life.

“Many subscribe to the high life and are eagerly putting themselves ahead when making their selections.

“Harriston Chocolatier calls out the leaders, the alphas of their pack to join us in appreciating striking creations and indulge themselves in the finest things that life has to offer.”

Serving over 8 million people worldwide, Harriston has been catering to chocolate lovers for more than a decade and they are not planning to stop anytime soon.

With this narrowed focus on the newly defined market, the leading Malaysian chocolatier draws inspiration from the richness of tropics and the diversity of Malaysian culture and heritage.

Boasting a unique taste and distinctive appearance, more unique generations of chocolates will be rolled out in due time.

Taking 3 months to complete with a moderately sized 650 sqft store, the new addition of the family embodies a more matured and sophisticated vision.

Prior to entering, one will see a carefully trimmed rose gold entrance portal and colour plated steel installation art pieces hung from the parabolic ceiling, echoing hints of subtle elegance.

Once in, one will notice the formal timber wall panels towering the space specially designed to contrast against the manicured black and white marble stripe patterns spanning the floor.

Highlighting accents of vintage furniture with middle-eastern rugs added, the flavour of Asia is truly reflected within the chocolate boutique.

The store also features forest themed walls, boasting an artistic and monolithic scene, summing up a surreal tempo of style. Visitors may also indulge themselves in a cosy corner for one to unwind and dip into the fantasy.

Located along the iconic streets of Kuala Lumpur, the boutique was inspired by an old Bo Tree which stands tall within the courtyard of The Linc, KL.

Often derived as the soul of the property, its branches overhang the mall corridors, obscuring rays of the sun while giving a sense of fulfilment to fellow visitors.

Hence, Harriston made it a point to use the Bo Tree as their design metaphor.

Teng further added,

“We are a family that bleeds chocolate and for over 13 years, we have honed our artisanal methods in crafting the finest chocolates and pralines.

“This time, we gave the same emphasis of quality towards the interior too.

“One thing we really wanted to get right was the outlook of the store and I think we did a fantastic job in blending all the elements that we felt were important.”

Tucked in a cosy corner between a wine retail and a restaurant, Harriston Chocolatier draws interest from within, igniting its design visibility and finesse through its chocolates.

Venturing into the premium arena of chocolates, Harriston Chocolatier’s delectable pralines start from RM8 and goes up to RM30 for a 67 gram bar of Single Origin Chocolate.

For more information, check out Harriston Chocolatier’s Instagram.

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