Trending By: tex_admin June 28, 2018 @ 11:27am

Najib Says There’s Nothing Wrong with Accepting Gifts

Datuk Seri Najib Razak defended himself recently stating that he is not in the wrong and has the right to receive gifts from foreign leaders as well as personal friends during his reign as the Prime Minister of Malaysia.

The ex-Prime Minister picked the current one, Tun Dr Mahatir Mohamad, as an example. Tun Mahatir has admitted before to accepting horses as gifts from his friend/foreign leader including the usage of the friend’s corporate jet.

During an interview with the press on June 27th, 2018, he said,

“However, what I know is that for the years as the head of the government, we were given many gifts from foreign leaders and friends, and I know that it is not wrong to accept these gifts according to the rules.

“These gifts [I have] are collected over the decades.

“As an example, Dr Mahatir has admitted to receiving 40 horses from his friend and foreign leader, and he has openly used his friend’s corporate jet. Therefore, it is not wrong to accept gifts.”

When asked if he has spoken to his wife, Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor, regarding the total price of the items seized from his private home, Najib said that the missus was shocked by the stated amount.

“I think that the total amount…she didn’t believe that it amounted to that much. And also some of the jewellery will be sent (to the authorities) for examination and will be returned to us.

“Therefore, we must know what are the items and ensure they are returned.”

Najib stated that not all of these items belong to Rosmah as some of them actually belong to their daughter, Nooryana Najwa, their son-in-law as well as the son-in-law’s mother.

“Let us not jump to conclusions at this rate. Let us examine each item, one by one.”

What do you guys think?

Read the full story at Harian Metro.


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