Fab Foodies! By: tex_admin May 31, 2018 @ 5:03am

Learn How to Make Your Own Chocolates for Hari Raya

Hari Raya Aidilfitri is nearing and people are excited for all the delicious food to come.

Why not take this years’ treats up a notch by making your very own chocolates? You can serve them to guests or even produce these delicacies for sale.

The Academy of Pastry Arts Malaysia, a premier culinary and pastry arts institution, is holding a 2 Week Professional Chocolatier Programme starting June 4, 2018 and it’s open to everyone.

The entire programme will be conducted by the Academy’s own award-winning chefs allowing students to master chocolate crafting techniques.

Pupils will learn how to mould, pan and enrobe the confectionery plus basic skills in producing jams and marshmallows.

Additionally, each class will be done in small groups so that the chefs can apply equal focus to everyone. The learning environment is highly interactive with one-to-one attention from the teachers.

At the end of the course, students will receive a certificate accredited by Academy of Pastry Arts Malaysia.

Chef Niklesh Sharma, the Founder and Managing Director of Academy of Pastry Arts, said,

“Hari Raya Aidilfitri is a celebration of family, togetherness and good food. Anyone can buy a box of chocolates but making them yourself for a dear friend or family member would be more memorable and personal.”

Information for the 2 Week Professional Chocolatier Programme is as follows:

Price : RM5,500 for Malaysians
  : RM6,000 for non-Malaysians
Date : June 4th – 16th, 2018
Time : 9am – 5pm, Mondays to Saturdays
Venue:  : Academy of Pastry Arts Malaysia, 16, Jalan 51a/223, Seksyen 51a,46100 Petaling Jaya
Contact : +603 7960 3846
E-mail : [email protected]




Sounds interesting, right? For more information and to sign up, visit the Academy of Pastry Arts Malaysia’s website or call them up at +603 7960 3846.

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