Categories: Oh Lawa

Here’s what you need to know about Dermaplaning, a procedure for smoother skin

Exfoliation is an important step in a skincare routine. Why, you ask?

If your face’s dead skin cells stay on for too long, your pores will be clogged and it eventually causes acne, dull or flaky skin as well as wrinkles.

This is where exfoliation comes in. It is a skincare method where you gently scrub your skin to get rid of the dead cells and in turn speed skin renewal.

The most common exfoliation technique is by using facial scrub that contain microbeads which are effective in removing impurities on the skin.

Now there’s a more advanced exfoliating procedure called Dermaplaning, and it involves gently scraping a layer of dead skin and fine facial hair off your face with a surgical scalpel.

The result is glowing and most definitely smoother skin.

Don’t be scared by the whole scraping action with a tiny knife. This treatment is done by a doctor or aesthetician, so there’s nothing to be worried about.

American aesthetician Claudio Colombo offers the treatment at her New York studio. Let’s see how she does it in the video below.

There might be some side effects, however. As the new skin begins to grow, your skin may appear red or swollen, and it may feel sensitive, tingly, or simply aching.

Eating or talking may prove difficult for a few days after the treatment. Protection against the sun is key after going through this procedure.

Whatever it is, executing Dermaplaning on your own or getting just about anyone to do it for you, is not advisable. It’s not the same as using an average razor, okay. Leave it to the pros.

Source: Insider, Hopkins Medicine

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