Categories: Eat Travel

Make your own Internet-popular rolled ice cream

There was a time when rolled ice cream was really popular on the Internet. You must have seen videos of ice cream vendors in Thailand preparing it, at least once.

Okay, it is just ice cream but the rolling technique was like nothing we’ve ever seen before! Arguably it was like a unique art form.

Thankfully, if you feel like sampling some rolled ice cream, you don’t have to fly to Thailand. Make your own!

The ice cream ingredients aren’t too unusual, and you won’t need any fancy equipment either. Just get yourself a paint scraper (preferably a new one, of course!), a bowl and a half sheet pan (46 x 33 cm) or several quarter sheet pans (23 x 33 cm).

Good luck!


  • 480 ml heavy cream
  • 1 can sweetened condensed milk
  • 1 pinch salt
  • topping of your choice (e.g. rainbow sprinkles, crushed nuts, chopped berries)


  1. In a bowl, whisk together the heavy cream, condensed milk and salt.
  2. Pour the mixture into a half sheet pan or several quarter sheet pans. The mixture needs to cover the base. The thickness has to be ¼-inch (6 mm) or less.
  3. Sprinkle your topping(s) onto the mixture and use a whisk to mix it into the ice cream base so that everything is even.
  4. Freeze for at least 4 hours. Also put your scraper and serving bowls into the freezer so that the ice cream doesn’t melt when you roll and serve it.
  5. Once the ice cream in the freezer is frozen solid, take it out and get ready to roll.
  6. Place the scraper at a 45° angle against the edge of the pan and carefully push forward. Use a butter knife if the ice cream needs help rolling.
  7. Put the rolls into the chilled serving bowl and add some more toppings that you like.

Source: Tasty

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