Categories: HiburanSelebriti

North Korean Ran Away from Country Because of Lee Min Ho

North Korea is infamous for mistreating their own citizens throughout the years since the Korean War broke out. Opting for a more communist governance has also led them to becoming less favourable for among the democratic ones.

Over the years, many citizens of the Northern side ran away from the unending poverty as well as the strict laws.

Defector Han Song Yi was recently interviewed by Ji Suk Jin during his radio show called Ji Suk Jin’s 2 O’clock Date on MBC FM4U.

During the show, the Song Yi explained that South Korean actors often motivate the Northern women to flee the country after watching them act in dramas.

She said,

“My mother’s generation loved Kwon Sang Woo. He was extremely popular. I feel like the female defectors probably left (the North) after watching Stairway to Heaven.

“I immediately left North Korea a day after watching The Heirs. I fell in love with Lee Min Ho. I wondered how nice it would be to succeed like Girls’ Generation’s YoonA and marry Lee Min Ho.

“But the reality was different.”

Aside from Lee Min Ho, Song Yi named Kim Soo Hyun and Song Joong Ki too as very much loved actors on the other side of the border.

“You Who Came From the Stars and Descendants of the Sun were very popular.

“I talked on the phone with cousin through a broker and he said that he made a bet on rather or not Song Joong Ki dies in Descendants of the Sun.”

