LIFESTYLE By: tex_admin October 11, 2018 @ 9:30pm

A Taste of Tokyo in Just 3 Days

Thwarted in her attempt to reach the summit of Mt Fuji for the second time, Zalina Mohd Som spends three eventful days in the metropolis

A FEW days before our flight to Tokyo, our group leader Azlee Mustaffa posted not-so-good news on his Facebook account regarding our Fuji-san climbing expedition.

The post had a picture of a handwritten notice in Japanese and English that read, “due to strong winds, climbing is permitted up to the 8th station of Mt Fuji.” then, he shared a newslink with a comment that a typhoon was heading for the land of the rising sun.

I prayed hard that there would not be strong winds at Fujikawaghuciko, the resort town at the northern foot of Mount Fuji when we were scheduled to climb the mountain. The weather didn’t look promising right until the day we headed to Kuala Lumpur International Airport for our flight to Narita Airport.

While some passengers were worried about their flights to and from Narita, the five of us were more concerned about whether we could hike up the mountain.

That morning, Narita Airport welcomed us with gloomy weather. Maybe it was too early to tell, we consoled ourselves.

Then halfway to Fujikawaghuciko, it started to rain. Not all the way, but the bus driver drove through heavy rain until we reached our destination.

We didn’t know how bad it was until we got down from the bus. Strong winds accompanied the rain. “Don’t tell me this is the typhoon,” I asked Azlee, who fetched us from Kawaghuciko Bus station.

“It’s been raining the past two days. Hopefully it will stop today, so we can proceed with our plan,” he said.

But it didn’t. it rained cats and dogs with strong winds, so strong it blew a huge air-conditioner unit off a wall of the opposite building, leaving it dangling.

It was still raining when we settled down for the night in a tatami room at Koe House.



Source: NST

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LIFESTYLE Wed, 5 Dec 2018


蛇(1941 / 1953 / 1965 / 1977 / 1989) 肖蛇的朋友今年为冲太岁年,冲者为动,容易有感情, 事业和居所变化, 但变化本身并无好坏之分,要配合个人的大运和流年命格才可判断。虽然今年命宫中有众多凶星汇集,幸好还有化煞星的照耀,可使任何灾祸消灭,亦可算是平安是福。 由于今年也是肖蛇朋友的驿马年,容易有迁移,外出变化之象。 驿马也代表有机会往外地发展事业或今年经常有机会旅游,或者只是去较远的地方,不一定有重大变化。 【事业运】 事业方面今年会有诸多阻滞,而且又多小人破坏阻扰,必须设法挣扎向上,以免久沉不振。正所谓穷则变,变则通。肖蛇的朋友若想在逆境中求存,就必须尽力变通革新,固步自封只会自取灭亡。 【财运】 今年财运上会有大破财的危机,会因为过度挥霍而失去预算, 要尽量避免以信用卡签账财,同时切勿赌博或作投机买卖,以免焦头烂额!今年宜多储蓄,以备不时之需。 【感情运】 感情方面今年比较容易起变化,不过变化未必一定是坏的,可以是分手,结婚或者是生孩子。不过,今年会与伴侣聚少离多,容易因口角而分开,必须要慎防有人乘虚而入,欺骗感情,最终导致人财两失。 【健康运】 健康方面今年要小心出入,出门远行时也必须要小心留神, 以免乐极生悲!此外,今年也要多加关注父母或长辈的健康状况,一旦发现有什么毛病,就必须带他们立刻就医。 ✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿ 【幸运号码】 2029 、 3746 【开运颜色】 黄色、橙色、红色 【开运贴士】 出国旅游或公干必须购买旅游保险;建议购买一些奢侈品或加大保险金额以应破财!   ■ […]

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