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If you’re a fan of science mixed with a little bit of badass action, or just genuinely a fan of Gerard Butler and Jim Sturgass *drools*, then be sure to check out the amazing movie Geostorm.

If you’re not convinced, then here are 5 points to help change your mind.

1. Because Gerard Butler is HOT

Girls, forget about his sexy six packs or mesmerising blue eyes because there are other more important things that need our attention such as his heroic action in attempt to save Dutch Boy.

No, Dutch Boy is not a child from the Netherlands but it’s actually a nickname for a satellite system that controls the weather by Gerard’s character, Jake Lawson.


2. Feel the tension between the siblings

When Jake was fired from his job due to his verbal attack on the Virginia senator to in defend his past actions regarding Dutch Boy, he was replaced by his younger brother, Max Lawson (played by Jim Sturgass).

The sibling rivalry was strong as Jake felt betrayed by Max who was only doing his job. Ultimately, they learned to put aside their differences for the better good.

Talk about two HOT brothers saving the world!!????????


3. The scandalous drama!

Okay, let’s not get too much into politics here, but let’s just say the movie definitely got people questioning the politicians’ agendas.

Everything was completely puzzling as the creation of Dutch Boy was to save the world, but it seems like the U.S might not want to save the world after all?

We won’t say anymore. You’ve got to watch the movie yourself to see what’s really going on.


4. It’s not just Sci-Fi, it’s also a spy and romance movie

Spoiler Alert!

Sarah Wilson, played by Abbie Cornish, is Max’s sexy and smart girlfriend. And their chemistry is ????????.

Sarah is a secret service agent while Max is a white house staff, which means their relationship is totally against the employee handbook. #SecretLove

Also, we gotta highlight Sarah’s kickass fighting and epic driving.


5. The movie is set in 2019

The movie highlights the potential future of planet Earth if global warming and climate aren’t fixed. The ball keeps rolling into a massive problem which would force the entire globe to set aside differences and work together.

In the end, thanks to Jake’s ingenious and futuristic space craft, Earth was saved from being completely ruined. For a moment there it seemed like utopia as race and religion didn’t seem like as big of an issue anymore.


Aren’t these reasons solid enough to make you want to watch Geostorm? Honestly, this is one movie that will have you sitting on the edge of your seat throughout.

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