LIFESTYLE By: tex_admin September 28, 2018 @ 6:00pm

This Light vs. Dark Line of Clothes will Make You Feel Like a Yakuza

As a departure from the status quo, Pestle & Mortar Clothing explores the space where dark meets light with their latest collection titled ‘As Above, So Below’.

In this 38-piece collection, PMC explores the juxtaposition of east & west, light & dark, effortlessly blending traditional elements with neo-futuristic sensibilities. Instead of going the expected path, PMC went the opposite way, looking upon the Bosozoku & Delinquent aesthetic for their key pieces.

The combination of dark, underworld themes with the bright neon lights, is the contrast that the collection is centered upon.

“We cling to memories as if they define us, but… they really don’t. What we do is what defines us.”

Keeping true to Pestle & Mortar Clothing’s ethos of always adding that bit of local flair to whatever we design, there are elements of the collection which are unmistakably Malaysian.

From the Japanese style woodblock carving inspired “East Coast Swing” Tee which features Mount Kinabalu instead of the usual Fuji-San to the choice of Chinese instead of Japanese Kanji in all of our key pieces and “boss is so cool” tee, we’ve even managed to fit a “kapcai” scooter in our collection!

The snake motif in our TayTay bomber even has a custom Nyonya print underbelly as “scales” to smoothly blend local style with a contrasting design aesthetic.

“It’s a shame she won’t live, then again who does?”

Specially for the Fall/Winter 2018 collection, local clothing label DY/DX. and PMC have come together to fuse the understated Japanese utilitarian design styling of the black Moonlight Haori with the rebellious, delinquent nature of As Above, So Below.

Comprising of a lightweight construction with 6 functional pockets as well as the collection’s signature Bosozoku Inspired graphic embroidered in gold on the back and chest, the juxtaposition of the design elements come together in harmony resulting in the extremely limited run “Black Emperor Haori”.

Learn more about DY/DX. at and @dydx_studio

The Pestle & Mortar Clothing Fall/Winter 2018 collection will be available from 27th September 2018 from Major Drop Mid Valley, Major Drop Sunway Pyramid and select retailers nationwide.

You can also get the collection on

For More Information visit:

Lookbook photos are available here:

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龙(1940 / 1952 / 1964 / 1976 / 1988) 肖龙的朋友今年流年运程大有改善,可洗尽去年冲犯太岁的颓气,正是大展宏图的良机,因为今年命宫中有地位提升的吉星出现,再加上今年为肖龙朋友的红鸾桃花年,为正桃花、好桃花,代表交际人缘好,所以运程会有渐渐好转的迹象。 【事业运】 今年的事业运也有不错的表现,因为命宫中有贵人星的出现,容易得到人缘相助。虽然今年工作甚为忙碌,幸而多劳多得,绝不会劳而无功。不过今年切勿得意忘形而扩张过急,以免因而兵败如山倒。 【财运】 财运方面还算不错,尤其是正财运,财富会在不自不觉中增加,不过今年会有小破财,必须要小心保管财物以防盗贼。 【感情运】 今年由于红鸾星动, 所以感情方面将会多姿多彩,可觅得真爱。此外,今年正是缔结良缘的大好时机,有情人终成眷属。不过伴侣之间的争执问题也相当的多,同时还必须要防范第三者的介入,以免破坏感情。 【健康运】 今年的健康状况甚为反复,时好时坏,必须小心保养,特别需要慎防肾和泌尿方面疾病! ✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿ 【幸运号码】 1520、 5050 【开运颜色】 橙色、黄色、红色 【开运贴士】 多参与群体活动或出席喜庆活动有助于提升运气。此外,建议在年头做身体检查!   ■ 资料提供:风水达人何宜娟《猪年报喜2019己亥年开运大全》 ■ 您也可透过八度空间于2019年2月5日(年初一)中午12时观看电视版《丰衣足食己亥年》